Genre: | Amish, Paranormal |
Pub. Date: | 30 Aug 2022 |
Pages: | 425 |
Publisher: | Tyndale House Publishers |
Cover: | Beautiful cover. |
Rating: | 3 stars |
A Hatfield & McCoy’s kind of Amish story except the tale concerns a curse. The Amish community believes marriage between a Bontrager and an Ebersol is cursed. Yet no one seems to know what the curse is.
Just before the ceremony, Eliza’s great-aunt gifts her with a family heirloom quilt. AND … and … tells her that the quilt can be used to change one event in the past. Eliza thanks her but doesn’t buy the strange story.
Eliza Bontrager and Jesse Ebersol do not believe in the curse and marry anyway. And a few years later, mourning again the loss of their third baby, Eliza learns there is a genetic issue with her delivering a living child. Distraught she uses the quilt to go back in time and “fix” the problem. But does her action resolve the problem? Or just create more?
My review …
Drat! It’s ALL my fault. I requested to review Yesterday’s Gone from NetGalley based on the author alone and didn’t read the description. My bad. And something I will never ever do again. Why? I guess I’m a “Let’s keep it normal” type of Amish reader. Paranormal mixed with Amish? Not for me.
I wish I had read “A Note from the Authors” *before* I read the book although it would have divulged one of the key elements of the plot. In the “note” the authors tell more about how the book came to be. And I am so sorry for their loss.
The story is well-written and while I didn’t like it — remember I like “normal” and no mix of paranormal and Amish — it did keep me engaged. Just know Yesterday’s Gone is unlike any Amish book I’ve ever read and I have 585 Amish books on Goodreads just since 2013.
My rating is three (3) stars. Apology to the publisher and the authors. From now on, I will be reading that description. All of it!
I received a complimentary e-ARC copy of Yesterday’s Gone via NetGalley from the publisher, Tyndale House Publisher. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
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