The Warmth of Sunshine by Kelly Irvin
Description: Ever feel like a square peg in a round hole? That’s how Abigail feels. Hard pie crusts. Spilled drinks. Can’t sew. Not good for an Amish girl wanting to be a wife if Owen ever asks.
Owen has an idea for a money-making crop but his father wants to sell the farm since their metal shed construction business is doing well.
And then both their worlds turn upside down — Abigail’s, by an ‘Englisch’ woman who announces she is Abigail’s mother. And Owen’s, by a neighboring widow who his father has been “visiting” … often.
Kelly Irvin is known to Amish readers, and book two of the series, Amish Blessings, has several “learning situations” for adults and young men and women.
I think all of us if we are of any age have had that “square peg in a round hole” feeling. It’s pretty awful. I can look back now and laugh at one of mine. But it wasn’t funny then. Being teased about it for literally years didn’t help. Sorry, Abigail, I had to laugh out loud at two of yours.
Author Kelly Irvin does a great job of describing people. Loved the description of Abigail’s father who would get his “woodshed-whipping look”. Can’t you see it?! Irvin keeps us guessing about Heather, Abigail’s birth mother.
- Don’t like her.
- Well, she’s not so bad.
- Oh, good grief, surely she didn’t do that!!
The Warmth of Sunshine is quite an enjoyable read. The pacing was a little slow — for me — as Abigail dealt with her birth mother over a period of time. But I loved how it resolved. Rating: 4.5 stars.
I received a complimentary e-ARC copy of The Warmth of Sunshine via NetGalley from the publisher, Zondervan Fiction. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
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