Description: Hagar King (16) & Enoch Yoder (15) fall in love and when she becomes pregnant they are separated…for eight years. Hagar–sent to live with an aunt until the baby is born; Enoch–family moves out of state. Hagar’s baby is taken from her and emptiness fills her heart.
When Enoch returns to the family farm, she learns why she never heard from him after two letters. Pledged to marry John, she also must deal with her feelings for Enoch. You see, no one knows about the pregnancy and baby. Not even John.
Longer than the other books I’ve read with this same cover look, Searching for Her Baby does not disappoint. Be prepared to want to knock some of the characters’ heads together. Hard!!! I just wanted to kick Aenti — anywhere! What a vile woman! I’m giving nothing away. Her true colors are shown immediately.
Pregnancy for a 16-year-old is hard enough but treated by her mamm and daid with no love or understanding, she is shipped off to the aunt (the vile character). Her parents don’t tell her siblings but intentionally don’t tell their Bishop either. No one in their community knew. Not even after she gave birth and returned home. You won’t like them much.
Searching for Her Baby is a feel-good story that was exactly what I was looking for. Having read some intense books along with a technical tome, I was ready for a nice, relaxing, have-a-glass-of-iced-tea, put-your-feet-up story. If you like Amish books, you’ll enjoy this story.
I subscribed recently to the Tica House Publishing newsletter1 and this book was on the list. Recognizing the author (and the cover), I knew this was the “reading break” I needed. Brenda Mayfield lets us feel Hagar’s anguish as well as Enoch’s. Both move out of their “settled for” lives as they learn more and more about each other and the missing years. Yet, it does not feel like a downer book.
And an A+ for the ending. No, I won’t give you a hint!
#SearchingForHerBaby #BrendaMayfield #TicaHousePublishing
1. https://ticahousepublishing.subscribemenow.com