“An Unexpected Amish Christmas” by Rachel J. Good is a wonderful story and a definite read for Christmas. I’ll take a cinnamon sugar pretzel. Oh, and a raisin pretzel.
Keturah and her three sisters run a pretzel stand at the Green Valley Farmer’s Market. As the book begins we learn that their parents have died in the past week and now they must run the family business themselves. Their father had a certain way of doing things and constantly watched to ensure that the pretzel stand ran to his ‘exact’ specifications. Their Mamm was the person that made sure everything ran smoothly and would quietly soften, if possible, her husband’s smarting comments. The girls are missing their parents horribly but Keturah is the oldest and feels the responsibility for her sisters and the family business.
Jeremiah is in rehab — physical rehab. An Amish dairy farmer and extremely active young man now needs 24 x 7 care. although there is a possibility of some recovery. As part of his physical therapy, he is using a special device on his fingers to write. When he was injured, his Mamm died of her injuries. Because he understands the pain of such loss, he has decided to select someone in the Amish newspaper who has also suffered such a loss. Writing is a long and painful process but he continues to write letters.
Then he selects Keturah and writes his letter including some Bible verses that have helped him in hope it helps her. And she replies. And a new world opens for both of them. Slowly. But both lives are improved.
Add in a delightful ninety plus Mrs. Vandenburg who is a take-charge kind of lady. You’ll love her.
And Darryl, a young man with a generous, loving heart.
There is even a dog is the list of characters which is always a plus in my book.
Oh, and Bo. Boo Hiss!!! Ladies, if you’ve ever been around that kind of guy, you’ll know what I mean.
I loved this book. Enjoyed it from page 1 to the end. Do add this one to your Read-This-Christmas list. I highly recommend.
A thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Kensington Books, for the opportunity to read and review an ARC (advanced reader’s copy) of this book. The opinions expressed in my review are my own.
Rating: 5 stars
Cover Rating: Excellent
#AnUnexpectedAmishChristmas #NetGalley #RachelJGood #KensingtonBooks