Rating: 4.25 stars ~ Genre: Amish, Christmas ~ Publish Date: 1 Sep 2024
Lucy’s Christmas Sunbeam by Anne Blackburne ~ 4 stars
A delightful novella. A sweet story about a little three-year-old girl and her loving sister. And a man who chooses alcohol and seeks to ruin other people’s lives while he trashes his own. There are some wunderbar scenes, BUT … the title of this set is “A LANCASTER Christmas. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is primarily Old Order Amish, and readers assume Old Order unless the author states otherwise. In one scene, a man wants to go look at quilts in the afternoon. He is considering expanding his business to sell them. The problem???? The day is Sunday. I doubt even the progressive Amish would even suggest doing that. In this case, looking at quilts equals business. Sadly, that wasn’t the only scene that did not fit Old Order Amish. The story itself is enjoyable and I loved reading it.
A Bird-in-Hand Christmas by Amy Clipston ~ 4 stars
Again, remember the title “A Lancaster Christmas“. I found the lead female’s name, Makayla, to sorta sound Hawaiian. But after a bit of research, in Hebrew, it means “who resembles God?” You will enjoy this novella as much as “Lucy’s Christmas Sunbeam”. Engaging characters. Nothing left hanging at the end. But … please authors writing Amish stories, if your characters need more “freedom”, please, please, PLEASE indicate they are not Old Order. Zippers!!!! Old Order do NOT use zippers. Zippers are hochmut, proud, not “plain”. Again, the story is lovely but errors like this jump out at me. It stops the flow of the story.
Christmas Lily by Amy Lillard ~ 4 stars
I loved seven-year-old Jacob Bontrager’s character. He thinks his new teacher is perfect. A perfect teacher and would be perfect as his new mamm. It’s a cute story. My problem is a key plot development. What happens when the teacher ends up spending several days at their house? Despite a good reason. BUT nothing is said or done by the bishop and ministers. And there certainly would be. This novella didn’t grab me and keep me reading like the previous two. You’ll still enjoy it, I think.
Leaving Lancaster by Mindy Steel ~ 5 stars
The last novella started a tiny bit slow for me; but, it just got better and better. No errors involving Amish doing something they wouldn’t do. Let’s just say the move to Kentucky wakes up some semi-plodding young men. And two sisters. By the way, there is a recipe at the end for Christmas Jam called “Winter’s Delight.” It would not be that hard to make.
All four novellas are an enjoyable read. A wonderful, I should say wunderbar. read for Christmas. And despite the issues found, I recommend this tetralogy (not a ‘quadalogy’). Tetra is Greek meaning ‘four’.
I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of A Lancaster Amish Christmas via NetGalley from the publisher, Barbour Publishing Barbour Fiction. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Rating: 4.25 stars [(4+4+4+5)/4] rounded to 4 stars for sites using whole numbers.
Cover: Beautiful.
Pages: 451
Publish Date: 1 Sep 2024
#ALancasterAmishChristmas #NetGalley #ShelleyShepardGray #AmyClipston #AmyLillard #MindySteele