Penny Carlton is an EMS pilot. A critically injured young patient needed transport even though a bad storm is on its way. But they never reach their destination and Penny manages to land a crippled helicopter on a mountain. She goes to get help (you will be furious with her cost-cutting supervisor). What Penny doesn’t know is a serial killer on that same mountain.
Enter FBI Special Agent Holt Satterfield who is searching for that killer. Can he find the killer before he finds her?
My Review …
You know how people say that a book was so good you couldn’t put it down? Well, I tried. I definitely tried. Life Flight is a page-turner from the very beginning. Just about the time you think Penny and members of her life flight team are safe…then they’re not. I had to keep reading or something might happen to her or someone else. That killer is relentless.
Obviously, this is an interesting plot. Well thought out with some unexpected twists. Those twists keep you, the reader, reading even when you have a to-do list a mile long. Characters that are believable in scenes that make you glad you are reading it, not living it. Flow? Be prepared to just “go with the flow” as things just don’t stop. It comes in waves.
A good book takes the time to let you know who the characters are. And not just the lead characters. As you read, you care about these people. That takes good writing and author, Lynette Eason, has done “good” work. Life Flight is my first Eason book but won’t be my last. And I am definitely looking forward to reading the second book in the Extreme Measures series.
I definitely recommend this book. Turns out laundry can be done another day. Be aware, nail-biting may occur while reading.
I received a complimentary e-ARC* copy of Life Flight from the publisher, Revell, via NetGalley. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
#LifeFlight #LynetteEason #NetGalley
e-ARC* — electronic Advanced Reader Copy.
2/2/2022, minor updates.