by Carolyn Twede Frank
The year is 1910. To put this in context, my parents were born in 1906 and 1909 and yes, I’m a senior citizen. For some of you, this is set in the olden days. The first picture of my dad is on horseback with Grandma supporting him and Grandpa holding the bridle. 1910 isn’t all that long ago.
I love historical western stories. And I’m sorry. I just couldn’t love this one.
Logan is the younger brother of a man about to hang. Part of the time Logan works at the livery stable, and he also does the rural mail delivery by horseback. Logan doesn’t watch the hanging. His brother deserved it but that doesn’t mean Logan feels good about what is happening. I liked Logan from the beginning. Born with one leg shorter than the other, he knows his limitations but does not let it stop him from what he needs or wants to do.
A young woman returns home to Craig, Colorado after almost five years in a finishing school back East. She is finished with it, and it is finished with her. Celeste never felt like she fit in there (they agreed), but as the days go by, she is not sure she fits in Craig either.
The story is: Girl loves boy. Boy loves girl. Boy is poor but doesn’t have to be. Old East suitor shows up in Craig and girl … Our boy, Logan, gets a bit of what my dad would have called “The Big Head” when he decides to accept what has been given him. Girl doesn’t like that.
And frankly, I was bored.
I never found Celeste engaging. I liked Logan but Celeste? I didn’t dislike her; I just didn’t like her. And I found out I didn’t care much whether she eventually fit in. I didn’t care if she married Logan or the Weathersby fellow. At 51% in, I started skipping through the book. I read the end. It’s a nice ending.
Not every reader will have this reaction. Some will, no doubt, enjoy it. I just didn’t.
I received a complimentary e-ARC* copy of Where Her Heart Lies from the publisher, Covenant Communications, via NetGalley. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed are entirely my own.
Rating: 2 stars.
Cover rating: Very good.
Publish date: January 3, 2022.
#WhereHerHeartLies #CarolynTwedeFrank #NetGalley
e-ARC* — electronic Advanced Reader Copy.