Rating: 5 stars ~ Genre: Amish mystery, Christian ~ Publish Date: 20 Aug 2024
Ever pick up a book and everything fades but the words on the page and the scenes flow one to another? Anytime I am granted the opportunity to review one of her Amish mysteries, I’m the gal jumping up and down and yelling, “Me! Me! Me!” She has fast become one of my favorite Amish mystery authors.
What a story! How Dana Lynn comes up with unique mystery plots one after the other — good mystery plots. This one — 12 words start the description and I was hooked. “A killer in pursuit…and a little boy’s life is at stake.” I always read the author’s bio and learned Ms. Lynn is a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing. I always wanted to learn sign …my grandpa was deaf and we relied heavily on the “magic slate” for communication. I am sure her knowledge is one of the things that made this story so compelling. AND the fact she is one heck of a writer.
I hadn’t swiped my Kindle Fire more than twice before I knew this book was a goodun. Just about the time you think, “Ah-Ha! I know what is happening.” Or “Yep! it’s gotta be THAT guy.” There is a twist to the action. As a reader, you are not disappointed. You are intrigued–just got read a little bit more. That laundry will wait. Who cares if there is dust on all the tables? The stuff in the dishwasher is clean — it can sit there. Because Fran and that sweet little boy! You know if you keep reading, YOU are the one keeping them safe.
Can you tell I loved this book? I did and, of course, I recommend it. I give it 6 stars if I could. Protecting the Amish Child is #19 in the “Amish Country Justice” series. It can be read alone. I’m in the process of reading the other 18. But this one, for me, is special. I know I will re-read it. Yes, I now have my own copy.
I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of Protecting the Amish Child via NetGalley from the publisher, Harlequin – Romance | Love Inspired Suspense. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Rating: 5 stars
Series: Amish Country Justice #19
Cover: Perfect. A spooky Amish buggy.
Pages: 227 via Amazon ~ 272 on Goodreads.
Publish Date: 20 August 2024
#ProtectingtheAmishChild #NetGalley #DanaRLynn