Missouri, 1846: In the frontier town of Independence the sound of a gunshot shatters the night. As the pistol drops from her hand and clatters to the ground, Grace knows she has no choice but to leave. Now. ~~ from the description.
What would you have done? It’s 1846 in Independence, Missouri. You are a single woman with a little brother to raise and you just shot someone. Never mind if he deserved it. He did deserve it. He’s dead. And if she is arrested what will happen to her little brother? Independence Missouri was the jumping-off place for wagon trains west. Would you do what Grace did? You just might.
Thus starts To the Wild Horizon. You might think “Yet another Oregon wagon train book” and yes it is. This is a good ‘un. The characters are outstanding and some grow on ya. Grace lives in fear that someone will discover what happened in Independence.
You have to admire Grace when she steps up to the table to apply to travel with the wagon train to Oregon. She is single. She has a little brother (and he is little). But she buffs her way onto the train. She answers the questions honestly.
Grace has courage, more than even she realizes. And the men in charge of the train notice. She is a contributor, not a whiner. And she has an ability that surpasses most of the men on the train. All the men are surprised but most accept it. A couple are envious because she’s a woman. She shouldn’t oughta be able to do that!
The story has a challenge in it that most “Oregon Trail” books don’t. What happens when someone steals on the train? Or a man pursues a woman — doesn’t matter whether she is married or single — and has only one thing on his mind. To the Wild Horizon addresses issues like these.
I liked this book until the very end. The next sentence does not give away the plot.
But why on earth was there a descriptive sexual scene at the ending? It wasn’t needed. It wasn’t expected.
To the Wild Horizon is on Kindle Unlimited at the date of this review.
I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of To the Wild Horizon via NetGalley from the publisher, Storm Publishing. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Rating: 4 stars
Cover: Good
Pages: 393
Publish Date: 7 Feb 2024
#TotheWildHorizon #NetGalley #ImogenMartin