Not a “marriage of convenience” story but a “marriage of necessity” — and no! Not that kind of necessity.
The characters are rich in this book. I’ll mention first the guy I would most like to kick in the backside and then wring his neck. Pastor Orton. Hiss!!! And you won’t like him either! A guy you will like, Major Henderson. The character I loved was Granny Taylor.
The story revolves around three people: Marybeth Kruger age 20, her little sister Carrie about 18 months old, and Edward Vogel, widower and husband of her best friend Janey who died in childbirth, a stillborn baby boy. Marybeth understands because her mother died birthing Carrie. Marybeth & Carrie’s father has just been buried. Edward and Klaus Kruger were good friends, and Klaus was a mentor to Edward.
Now Edward is her best friend. Marybeth’s father has just survived and *that* man, Pastor Orton thinks Carrie should be given to a childless couple. Edward is on Marybeth’s side when the (in my humble opinion) so-called pastor tries to intimidate her claiming the baby will starve, etc.
Edward receives a letter from his former commander, Major Henderson, who is the law in the new town of Cheyenne. He wants Edward to come West to be one of his deputies *but* he should be married. And so, this is how the “marriage of necessity” comes about.
The town of Cheyenne is just starting in this story. It’s the end of the railroad until winter passes and bored railroad workers are a rough crowd anytime. But when they aren’t laying track, boredom leads to violence of every kind. The couple starts life in a tent of all things despite winter. Edward and Henderson work the night shift which is the most dangerous since men get liquored up and have no common sense. Edward had a law enforcement background but found it was different in Cheyenne.
The reader will learn how a “railroad” town starts and becomes a law-abiding place to live. I’m sure the author researched a great deal before writing A Love Discovered. The story builds and grows as we see the couple grow to more than be “best friends”. And little Carrie delights in having other children to play with–something that is new to her.
Tracie Peterson is an excellent writer and prolific author. I felt compelled to come back to this book over and over again. I’d put it down and then find an excuse to pick up my Kindle again. The next two books in The Heart of Cheyenne series can be preordered. And yes, I highly recommend this book.
I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of “A Love Discovered” via NetGalley from the publisher, Bethany House, Bethany House Publishers. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Rating: 5 stars
Series: The Heart of Cheyenne, #1 of 3
Cover: Nice. Attractive. Gets a reader’s attention
Pages: 298
Publish Date: 5 Mar 2024
#ALoveDiscovered #NetGalley #TraciePeterson